CDS-plotcon: Programme for
Detecting Enhanced Conservation in Coding Sequences
Please use the following login details if requested. Note that these
will only allow access to public parts of this site. If you get an
'access denied' error then you are probably trying to access a
non-public part. Please contact me (
Site 1: In general, use this
site first. You may input raw unaligned sequences. It takes a
while to run, so the results will be emailed to you. When you
have the results, you can use Site 2 to redo the plots with
different windowing/clipping/range parameters or to obtain the
raw plot data in case you wish to redo the plots using a
different graphics programme. You may enter up to 15 sequences
of up to 20000 nt each.
Site 2: Use this site if
your sequences are already aligned and you have generated a
phylogenetic tree. Results are delived to your webbrowser and
you have the option to redo the plots on the fly, with different
windowing/clipping/range parameters. You may enter up to 50
sequences of up to 35000 nt each.