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There are a variety of parameters that you can alter by opening the
script run_mlrgd in a text-editor and editing the Options
section. A brief description of these are given below (suggested
defaults are give by param = default).
- pairs = 1: Method for generating the list of sequence pairs to
use: 2
use phylogenetic tree built with ednapars (maximum
parsimony); 1
use phylogenetic tree built with ednaml
(maximum likelihood); 0 or other
use user-input file
- refpos = 0: 0
use seperate CDS files for each
sequence; 1 or other
use reference sequence CDS files for all
- gbkpos = 0: 0
get CDS files from
seqname.fasta.orfs (or seqname.gbk.orfs) files; 1
or other
get CDS files from seqname.gbk files
(for any seqname.fasta files, the seqname.fasta.orfs
file, if any, will be used).
- skip = 0: 1 or other
skip sequence files
containing non-ACGTUacgtu characters (exits if the reference sequence
contains non-ACGTUacgtu characters); 0
read standard
ambiguous nt codes as N and ignore for most statistics (ambiguous nt
are logged along with the gaps; codons containing ambiguous nt are logged
along with the `zero-probability' transitions).
- window1 = 5:
, where the running mean sliding window size
for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd codon positions and for the 4-fold degenerate
neutral sites plots is
nt (or codons).
- window2 = 10:
, where the running mean sliding window size
for the all sites and for the non-coding sites plots is
- circular = 1: 0
not a circular genome; 1 or
circular genome.
- clip1 = 0.00: Upper clipping threshold for clipped running
mean: clip1 = 0.05 means that the upper 5% (i.e. columns with low
observed number of mutations relative to expected number of mutations) in
each window are clipped before calculating the mean.
- clip2 = 0.30: Lower clipping threshold for clipped running
mean: clip2 = 0.05 means that the lower 5% (i.e. the columns with
high observed number of mutations relative to expected number of mutations)
in each window are clipped before calculating the mean.
- tttmin = 0.0: Lowest
value to use in
- tttmax = 10.0: Highest
value to use in
- tVfit = 0.2: Required fitting accuracy (total number of mutations
between a sequence pair) for
- maxiter = 20: Maximum number of fitting iterations for
- Vmin = 0.01: Lowest
value to use in
-fitting (
- Vmax = 10.0: Highest
value to use in
-fitting (
- Vtype = 1: 0
find seperate
value for each
sequence pair; 1 or other
find one
value for the alignment.
- Vfix = 0: If
0, use this
value for all sequence pairs
(defaults to 1 if
0; overridden if fitwhat = 3).
- fitwhat = 3: 0 or other
using total number
of mutations; 1
using number of neutral/synonymous
mutations; 2
using number of neutral/synonymous
mutations at 4-fold degenerate sites; 3
as for 2, then adjust
to fit the total number of mutations (i.e. including nonsynonymous
Note: 1--3 are not recommended if the sequence is predominantly double-coding
since, in this case, the number of neutral sites is potentially very small.
- wholeseq = 1: Nucleotide range to use for all model-fitting,
statistics and plots: 0
use the region
range1--range2, 1 or other
use the whole sequence.
- range1 = 0: Start nucleotide of region to analyse
(if wholeseq = 0; otherwise ignored), in reference sequence coordinates.
- range2 = 0: End nucleotide of region to analyse
(if wholeseq = 0; otherwise ignored), in reference sequence coordinates.
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